My Pathways in Spring
My pathways are marked
by fallen petals,
The blossoms overhead
vibrating, shimmering with visiting bees and other nectar-thirsty beings,
Their bodies dusted
with pollen:
Orange, yellow,
golden, white.
My pathways through
the forest reflecting the light
Of snowdrops on moss,
violet trumpets in ferns, red firecrackers and light-green stars,
Fallen among roots and
branches and rich earth come to life.
Awakened to spring,
showered in rain
My pathways beg
exploring, welcome visitors, sprouting new leaves and fresh stems,
Arching tunnels
preparing for fruit.
But for now a growing
green mosaic giving shelter to delicate orchids, hanging bells and soft
Whose petals slip
among my pathways in elegant splendor.
Beauty deserving
pause, recognition, reflection
In every direction in
which we walk.
My pathways, fit for
kings, made sacred in spring,
Graciously accept my
humble form.