The Small-Scale Farming Revolution
Do not confuse the fact that we live an
isolated and insulated life on a forested mountain with our being out
of touch. We may not always be on-line, but when we do log-in we find
more and more connections between groups and individuals on similar
journeys and adventures, trying out technologies on a human-scale,
experimenting life with less consumerism and more sustainable
practices. Two interesting documentaries caught my attention this
winter, both focused on small-scale, sustainable farming practices.
The first, produced by the BBC, called
“A Farm for the Future” showcases traditional farming practices
in rural England and how various farms have transformed their concept
of farming to either reduce or eliminate their dependence on
petroleum, both in its use to run heavy machinery and as a component
of industrial fertilizers and pesticides. The practices showcased are
simple, easy to replicate measures that require the courage to try
them and the patience to allow an impacted environment achieve
natural balance, such as forest gardening methods and the
encouragement of diverse species, even and especially in open grazing
fields. Peter Whitefield's book How to Make a Forest Garden
(1996) is an excellent supplement to the film, giving greater detail
on species selection and design for optimal use of sun and water
resources. “A Farm for the Future” is a short film which presents
clear questions and offers solutions as to how we plan to continue
feeding ourselves as petroleum resources dwindle in the coming years.
The documentary is emphatic in the fact that it does not matter when
petroleum actually becomes unavailable, but that we have a
responsibility to begin exploring smaller-scale options and the
sooner we begin, the greater yields we will be able to produce in the
Looking around
our forest holding with our small pockets of garden space dotted
between rejuvenating native woods wherever the sun shines best, I was
heartened that our efforts, though mocked by some of our traditional
farming neighbors, may actually reflect a future concept of farming
that works with wilderness instead of against it. I very much
identified with the documentary's narrator, exploring her own family
farm's potential in adapting more wilderness and diverse species
vegetation in order to reduce their dependence on petroleum,
converting the concept of farming to one more associated with
gardening and the tending such practice requires.
The second
documentary which has also lit a fire in my revolutionary heart is
“Urban Roots,” produced by Tree Media. The film
showcases the urban and small-scale farming movement taking place in
the abandoned and razed post-urban plots of the former city of
Detroit. Moving dialog, captivating perspectives, “Urban Roots”
ties spiritual healing, especially for African-Americans
re-connecting positively with an agricultural past, and the
importance of being connected to the growing of the food we consume,
ingest, and share with our families. Most importantly, the
documentary captures the power of inspired individuals and groups to
realize their own dreams, build sanctuaries out of the chaos of a
collapsed city space.
As our petroleum
resources dwindle, as economic practices based on petroleum also
decline, such as the car manufacturing industry which supported the
city of Detroit in its boom of the past century, it will be the work
of motivated individuals and groups that will pioneer a sustainable
future in which there is a great variety of abundant foods to eat
that nourish our bodies and the lands from which we harvest. More and
more garden plots are already returning to urban landscapes as we
realize the empowering therapy of growing plants, as we discover the
enormous waste of landscaped parks that produce no fruits, vegetables
or medicinal herbs. Reach for your part in the small-scale farm and
garden revolution: watch these documentaries and become inspired!
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