Gratitude for Willing Workers
We have
accomplished much in these first few months of the year, projects spiraling
from projects, constructions leaping up pulleys, harvest jars filling shelves. And
in every successful project we owe immense gratitude to the friends and family
who have stopped by to lend a helping hand, stayed to build something greater
than we could accomplish individually. In addition to our normal summer guests,
this summer we trusted in the arrival of three previous near-strangers who
quickly became our good friends as they willingly came to help us in our work,
volunteering their abilities while learning and living a different way of life.
It´s a volunteer movement called WWOOF-ing, which is an acronym for Willing
Workers On Organic Farms. We are not actually affiliated with the movement
officially, nor have we had any prior experience with soliciting or supporting
such volunteers, but had heard of the concept as is the nature of our social
circles, especially in the realm of permaculture. Apparently there are
volunteers young and old traveling all over the world trading labor for room
and board among small and large-scale farming communities where the idea is to
create an exchange of knowledge on organic farming and/or sustainable living
volunteer friends had all traveled throughout Chile and Peru at official WWOOF
sites, one of our friends also volunteering a couple of years in Australia, New
Zealand, and the United States. All three had interesting stories from their
experiences having live and worked among so many diverse groups. Not all their
experiences were as rich as anticipated in terms of cultural and informative
exchange. Being treated as less-than-equal than permanent members of the
community was a common experience, or being asked to do a laborious task alone
instead of learning a skill by working alongside knowledgeable craftsman,
reducing the apprentice to a status of indentured servant, greatly inhibited
the exchange of pertinent knowledge and experience that a volunteer is so
enthusiastically seeking that they willingly offer their labor as payment.
These very tales are the reason I have never previously considered volunteering
myself or even soliciting volunteers. I would not like being treated as a
slave-laborer, nor would I like to command someone to labor for me.
We have
always been well-accompanied in our journey with friends and family guests
lending us support and help to bring in harvests, lift beams, mix mud, or plant
trees. It is exactly this web of support and love which has allowed us to
flourish in our forest, inspiring us to keep growing and dreaming and building.
But it is a humbling and rarer gift to receive prior strangers by chance in
your home and to have them offer all that they can to help you in your path,
even hauling wheelbarrows of clay or mixing buckets of lime, because they want
the experience, because they believe in a different way of seeing the world and
how to relate to it, because they want to learn and share and inspire and
someday build something similar. In the end in everyone who has ever helped us,
we recognize one another as part of the same essential human impulsion toward
freedom and creativity. We share in our work and we share in our celebrations,
and are bonded by our shared experience. Our sincere gratitude to all our
friends and family who have helped us shape our world in Los Brujos. May I
someday have the same opportunity to offer my help and especially
muscle-strength in your own unique paths and projects.